However, the eye can also help us to detect a variety of health problems. Following this, some kind of disturbance in the eye could be a signal that the irregularities in the body, as reported by Huffingtonpost, Monday (12/3).
Different pupil sizes
Pupil or black circle in the middle of the eye, usually symmetrical in normal people. The size and the same reaction when exposed to sunlight. However, if one of your pupils is too big or small from the other, there may be no health problems. Experts claim that the difference in pupil can indicate that the person is at high risk of having a stroke, optic nerve tumor or a brain tumor or brain aneurysm.
Dry eye
If your eyes are always dry and super sensitive to light, it could be signaling a problem with your immune system, such as Sjogren's syndrome, an immune system disorder in which immune cells attack and destroy the exocrine glands that produce tears and saliva. This disease should watch out, because this condition affects women aged over 40 years with autoimmune disorders, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthitis.
Cloudy eye or cataract (cloudy eyes)
If your eyes if your eyes are clouded and vision impaired, you may have cataracts. This causes cloudiness in the lens of the eye and had surgery to normalize vision. This condition often occurs in the elderly. However, young children are also at risk and are usually caused by the side effects of diabetes, tumors and certain medications pengonsumsian.
Itchy eyes
Although there are many things that can cause itching around the eyes, the most common reason may indicate an allergic reaction. Eye and surrounding area is very sensitive and more susceptible to infections and allergies. Other triggers can be from dust or animal dander.
If your eyes are itchy and red, try to correct with an antihistamine to reduce redness or visit a doctor to be tested for allergies. If the eyes and eyelids swollen and sore, may signal that your lack of sleep.
Gray eyes
If your eyes are raised as a light ring around the cornea of the eye, you may be suffering from senile arcus, which is often associated with high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, which can cause heart disease and stroke risk. If you see a gray ring around his eyes, consult a physician immediately to discuss changes to your diet.
Make it important and sensory organs, of course mengharus everyone to always maintain eye health. A healthy eye can certainly improve the quality of life.
However, the eye can also help us to detect a variety of health problems. Let us lanjutin, some types of eye disorders that can be a signal irregularities in the body, as reported by Huffingtonpost, Monday (12/3).
Thinning eyebrows
Eyebrows can indeed become thinner with age, but it could be this is a sign of thyroid dysfunction. Loss of eyebrow hair can be a common sign of hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) or hypothyroidism (thyroid not very active). The thyroid helps regulate metabolism and thyroid hormone is essential for the production of hair. If you have these symptoms, it could not hurt to consult a doctor.
Watery eyes
According to Larry Benjamin, ophthalmologist at the Royal College, watery eyes are most likely caused by the viral infection. If your vision is blurred, it could be you have Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) caused eyestrain because looking at the computer screen. This makes the eyes work harder to focus on the pixels on the screen.
Yellow lumps
yellow lumps, also known as palpebral xanthelasma, usually appear on the eyelids and may be a warning signal that your cholesterol levels are very high. These lumps are fat deposits that accumulate and grow on the eyelids. Be careful, sometimes bencolan this be an early sign of arterial disease korener.
If you see a colored dot on kelompak eyes, some brown spots, see a doctor. Spots could be an early sign of skin cancer, which usually appears at the bottom eyelid and will look brown with tiny blood vessels.
Eyes bleed
If your eyes are always bloody with broken blood vessels so as to make your eyes blotchy and sore, this could be a signal that you have high blood pressure. High blood pressure causes blood vessels in the retina become stiff and twisted, which causes the eyes to be red. It can also increase the risk of stroke, so it should immediately see a doctor for treatment.
White part of the eye turned yellow
If the whites of your eyes turn yellow and not white pearl, you may suffer from jaundice, which is related to problems in the liver and gallbladder. Need to do a blood test to confirm the disease, so if you are in doubt contact your doctor immediately.
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