More recently, researchers in Britain have found that the presence of abnormal genes that cause disease are called shock or more formally called hyperekplexia. Patients with this disease have an exaggerated reflexes shocked when responding to sound and touch. Startle response will be followed by muscle stiffness that can cause respiratory problems and sudden death.
Strange disease is caused by a genetic mutation causing multiple nerve cells can not communicate properly. In particular, these mutations affect the removal of a molecule called glycine to move between cells.
Glycine sends inhibitory signals that reduce the response to sound, noise and touch. Disease in patients in shock, inhibitory signals is not running. As a result, it reinforced stimulus and the resulting dangers.
In a research report published Journal of Biological Chemistry, scientists at University College London and Swansea University in Wales analyzed information from 93 people shocked disease patients worldwide.
Scientists have identified 19 new genetic mutations GlyT2 building blocks of protein which is responsible for the transport of glycine into the cell. Researchers also found that mutations in GlyT2 is a major cause of disease shocked 8 cases in England and Spain.
"The new findings confirm that mutations in the gene GlyT2 is a major cause of this disease. If the nerve cells do not get enough glycine, the glycine is released will not be enough. This prevents the transmission of inhibitory signals, "says the researcher, Beatriz López-Corcuera as reported by Live Science.
The researcher explains that this disorder has been present from birth. In infants, the disease can cause sudden infant death syndrome or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). These symptoms usually decrease after the first year, and most babies can survive to adulthood.
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